Install PAC Manager on Arch Linux

PAC Manager is a very useful ssh tool that manage your ssh connection and others that include rdp, vnc, etc. It is an open source software. But it default provide deb and rpm packages.

  1. Install deb2targz
    ~$ pacman -S deb2targz
  2. Download PAC Manager deb package from their repository.
  3. Run deb2targz
    ~$ deb2targz path/to/your/pac-manger-package.deb
  4. Then, extract tar
    ~$ tar -zvxf path/to/your/pac-manager-package.tar.gz

  5. ~$ cd path/to/your/pac-manager-package
    ~$ cp -r usr/ /
    ~$ cp -r opt/ /
  6. At this time, you can try to run pac command. You would get some information about lack certain perl archive. Some archives can install from pacman repositories. Some needed to download from CPAN and install manual. Or you can use "perl -MCPAN -e shell" shell. But not work for every archive. Some use this will be more convenient, for example, IO::Stty archive.
    # It will scan and find the best mirror site.
    ~$ perl -MCPAN -e shell
    # When finish, it will enter a shell command mode, you can use install command to install library like below.
    cpan[1]> install IO::Stty
  7. Install these perl library
    ~$ pacman -S gconf-perl perl-crypt-blowfish perl-crypt-cbc glade-perl perl-yaml perl-io-tty gtk2-perl
  8. Download three libraries from CPAN and make it.
    Gtk2-Ex-Simple-List Socket6, Gnome2-Vte, Expect
    In PAC Manager download repository, there is Gnome2-Vte deb and rpm package can download. Here, we don't use this and replace by download from CPAN. Install method is (as root)
    ~$ perl Makefile.PL
    ~$ make
    ~$ make test
    ~$ make install
  9. Run pac and enjoy it.

